Saturday, February 15, 2014

Galaxy note 3 vs iPhone 5s

I've had an iPhone since the very first iPhone. I love it, and love Apple products. They are easy to use, the simplicity is great. However, I really wanted a bigger screen. I've studied the Samsung S4, S5, note 1, note2, and note 3. As much as I wanted one for the larger screen, I couldn't give up my iPhone. I have two lines, but didn't want the bill from 2 smart phone data plans.

When the iPhone 5 came out, I wasn't impressed with a longer phone. I must admit, I like being able to use my iPhone with one hand, but still wanted a bigger screen. I decided to keep my 4S. Then Samsung came out with the note 2, I watched that for a while, and just when I was about ready to make a change, I started hearing about the note 3 coming out, so I waited . Then the iPhone 6 or 5s, or whatever they would name it was on the horizon. I waited. I wasn't real excited about the 5C or the 5S, but I wanted a new phone, so I got the gold 5s.

The 5S is a great phone, and  ios7 isn't that bad, it actually has some pretty cool features. The phone is light and thin. It's a beautiful phone, I even opted for a clear case, instead of my traditional otter box or life proof case. Then those note3 and galaxy gear ads started started poping up. Love the phone and watch. The prices for them were not appealing. I then started the waiting game for when the prices would drop. Verizon took my 4s for $200, so I only paid $50 for my galaxy note 3. Great trade, since I only paid $199 for my 4s, when I got it. I opted not to get the watch because it was still more than I wanted to pay , even when they dropped it $50 to $249. If it drops more, I may splurge, but for right now, for what it does, I'm not willing to spend that much.

The note 3, is a great phone. I love the swipe feature, and the s-pen. I'm learning more and more about it every day. I have small hands, so I have a hard time using it with one hand, but I'm getting better. The otter box case made it too big, so I just got a screen protector, and a cover for the back. They really need to make cute colored cases, and no pink. The voice command features work really well.  The feature with scrolling from eye movement is interesting, not crazy about it. It schools too far at times.  I am getting used to the android system, there are a lot of apps that are the same as Apple apps, but I like my Apple apps better, for some reason.

Which do I like better? I still love my iPhone , but I like my note 3 too!!  

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